3 Things You Should Know
1. I love to run
In between my 8th and 9th grade year in school, I took up running. I trained that whole summer with my school’s cross country team, but before the season began, I decided to quit because I knew running for the team would steal my joy for the sport. In college, before Paul and I were married and while I was training for my first full marathon, Paul would offer to run with me. In my mind, he was a good pacer, but little did I know it was a ploy to “hang out” during his relentless pursuit.
2. I have a part-time job
Monday through Wednesday you can find me sitting behind a desk at my church. Almost three years ago I started working at my church shortly after Paul and I made the transition from KY to NC. Being apart of this body of believers has challenged, grown and stretched us in ways that has pointed us more to Christ. The chance to work at the church was an added bonus. I get to help plan events, participate in planning meetings and assist our Pastors in ways that free up time to minister to the church body more successfully.
3. I’m an introvert
Dictionary.com defines it as “ a shy person; characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings.” I think it’s the reason I’m terrible at small talk, I start to sweat if I have to talk in a small group and I would rather sit at home watching Friends on Netflix by myself (Ok, occasionally with Paul, ha!) So, don’t take it personally if I don’t talk your ear off, appear disinterested, unengaged, or aloof because it’s not you, it’s me. 🙂
270.799.6606 | katiemmayfield@gmail.com